Our Mission is simply
"Students on bikes
enjoying nature"
We are student athletes sharing our passion for mountain biking in our local Santa Cruz Mountains. This is a student operated volunteer organization with guidance from parents and coaches.
Josh Mordaunt, Founder
All organized group activities are on-hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Highly recommended mountain biking trails in the Santa Cruz Mountains are:
Green and Blue rated trails (more XC) :
John Nicholas, Mt Umunhum, Wilder Ranch, Calero, Flow, DeLaveaga, Ft Ord, Fremont Older, Saratoga Gap and Long Ridge trails
Blue and Black rated trails (more Enduro):
UC/Nine, Pipeline, Ft Ord Tr22, Tr27, Braille and Saw Pit trails ​
Non-Profit/Non-Cash Organization
To keep it simple, the organization is a 100% volunteer, no cash is involved in our organization. We communicate, organize local bike rides and activities, there is no need for club fees or contributions - just show up and ride with us.
To create the opportunity for students to build strong bodies, minds and character through mountain biking and participating in our community.